
A prospective patient has Interstitial Cystitis. I looked it up, very rare, she said she cannot have vitamins or minerals ingested in her stomach and bladder. Any chance anybody in your medical department may know an answer?

Treatment Recommendation

Perhaps they are suggesting they do not consume mega doses of any vitamin, such as Vitamin C. IC patients are all over the board when it comes to triggers that flare them.  Robard beverages are fairly standard when it comes to Vitamin C.  My point is that it may be worth trying.  If he/she flares, then they can stop.  

Interestingly, a recent study came out showing that ketogenic diets help irritable bowel disease (a cousin of interstitial cystitis).  It would be interesting to see if ketosis would help interstitial cystitis.

Very important for your center not to fashion a special VLCD that is deficient in any way; it's very important to follow the recommendations from Robard.  If patient is not interested, then they should try another method for weight loss. —John Hernried, MD